Sunday, December 13, 2009
Heart Meditation
Siddhartha Guatama
Monday, July 28, 2008
Letting Go of Perfection
In-Sights from Uriel Heals
Balance and Movement
The Universal laws are always in motion and are always responding to us. It may appear that nothing is happening because we don't see the results we want in an appropriate timeframe. But that doesn't mean that there is no activity. The Universal laws require us to be in a state of energetic balance meaning that our energy must be in alignment with what we are manifesting. And it waits for us to do our work, bringing ourselves into balance, before we see movement.The Universe always sees the bigger picture and is aware of every option and every opportunity that is possible for us. Because Universal laws govern the movement of energy they respond to our level of energetic vibration which may nor may not be in alignment with what we are trying to manifest. When it is in alignment, manifestation occurs easily. When it is not, manifestation is challenging and we may not get anything or far less than what we anticipated. The lack of movement is an indication that something is out of balance and we will be shown what needs to be transformed to move the energy in the direction of what we want. When we are out of balance Universal law seems to magnify these areas so we know exactly what they are.
Asking out of fear, need, desperation or powerlessness increases the imbalance. How do we know where this happens? Any time joy, peace, abundance and unconditional love are not flowing in our lives we are out of balance and we feel stuck. Any area in which we are unhappy, dissatisfied or bored means we are out of alignment with our soul purpose and a gentle reminder that we are ready for new adventures. Any hesitation we have is an indication of our fears. Can we address them so the energy can begin to move? The Universe is very patient and it will wait until we are ready to bring ourselves into balance and raise our energetic vibrations to a level that is in alignment with what we want to manifest, then the energy starts to move.
It is helpful to remember that the Universe always responds to us. It does not initiate anything and responds directly to our energy and level of alignment. We can always tell where we are energetically and how close to or far we are from manifesting the reality we desire by how the energy is moving in our lives. When we are ready to be completely fearless, trusting and faithful, our energy is balanced and the Universe rushes in to bring us what we desire. When we are willing to surrender our fears, attachments, regrets and sorrows, the Universe will reward us by giving us more than we have asked for and the flow of energy in our lives will make continuous and effortless manifestation a reality for us.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Reiki Practice
Many Blessings to you ALL!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Being ok with where you are right now!
Who Can Say You're Enlightened? from Uriel Heals Newsletter
This past week I attended a seminar at which the leader made statements that were judgmental of everyone's level of enlightenment or their ability to attain it in their lifetime. He said that enlightenment was available only by working with a teacher and that the teacher bestowed enlightenment when the student was ready. When he began criticizing 'psychics who channel or work with Archangels' (yes, he really said that) it became personal and I felt like I was on trial. And after voicing my objections to his comments I left the seminar. But it gave me food for thought-who says we are enlightened and when do we know we are?
As we are called to walk our spiritual path many of us struggle with past life memories of being judged, ridiculed, condemned and even killed for our beliefs and teachings. While we are often not consciously aware of these experiences, they are part of our cellular memory and are something we must overcome before we can step into our roles as teachers and healers. Because enlightenment is part of this process, we can even struggle with being enlightened because we know that once we achieve it the next step is to move into sharing our learning with others.
We have many teachers on our path and each one brings us to enlightenment. Every experience we have participates in the enlightenment process. It is not a final destination-there is no 'one' form of enlightenment. Rather, it is something that we achieve according to our soul contract and level of spiritual evolution that we can achieve. This is an agreement between each of us and the Source. No one has the power to tell us whether we are enlightened or not. That is being in judgment and anyone who attempts to do that is not in a state of unconditional love.
We don't have to defend our beliefs or spiritual growth to anyone. And anyone who challenges that is another teacher for us. Do we truly connect with our beliefs and can we support them through our words and actions? Do we need someone to validate or justify our enlightenment or can we do that for ourselves? We know we are enlightened when we feel the peace and understanding that comes with it. And as we complete one phase of that process we are prepared for the next one. But no one has the authority to tell us we are not there. And if they do it is merely a reflection on their own level of enlightenment. When we are, we will know and we will have the peace, joy and understanding that is the gift of enlightenment.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Reiki Master Class
Monday, January 28, 2008
Day 21 Channeled Reading
The Master Reiki attunement will open you up to greater awareness and bring added confidence. Know that you are a healer. Every being, as sparks of the divine creator, has this capacity, but not everyone accepts this role. You have been a great healer in many lifetimes. It does not matter that you have been told this by others. Do not doubt that this is what we are communicating to you today. Remember the Archangel Raziel oracle card about repetition--this keeps coming up because it is true. Others sense or know of your abilities, now is the time for you to accept and awaken to them yourself. When you do miraculous things will happen.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Day 20 Channeled Reading
Friday, January 25, 2008
Day 19 Channeled Reading
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Day 18 Channeled Reading
Do not worry that you sometimes don't want to do the channeling. It is a natural reaction to the doubts you still have. We can only tell you to keep having faith and await the results. Be at peace.
P.S. I did feel nervous posting this particular reading. I feel like the meaning of what was coming through is not reflected in the way I wrote the information, but I could not change it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Day 16 Channeled Reading
Our point then is to focus on your intention and try to let go of how you think things should be done. There is no right or wrong way. Do what feels good and then you will feel the peace and connection you desire. We do not want you to be discouraged. This is not a criticism, merely guidance which we hope will help you. We are overjoyed to help when you call upon us.
--The Legion of Angels
Monday, January 21, 2008
Day 15 Channeled Reading
When you worry about your actions or inaction remember this: Each path offers lessons, some are of difficulty and some are of ease. Think back on the times when this was true. In all honesty which do you prefer--the ones that were easy and effortless or the ones that challenged you more. When you realize your true nature you can make decisions that best suit you. Sometimes that which is simple is not easy and that which is complicated is not hard. We are certain you can come up with examples of this from your life. Life is meant to be a journey of all sorts of experiences and the easy road sometimes is not the most fun or rewarding.
This relates to the nature of duality. Duality is unique in that one choice is not better than the other, they are merely different and unique experiences. That is why we say there is no right or wrong, good or bad. We realize this concept is difficult to truly grasp, though deep down all of you understand. In the universal eternity we have created and exist in this is evident, but in your current 3D earth life many things seem so wrong and unjust. Remember, however that your life here is a mere blink in the totality of your existence, which is eternal. As humans you tend to see your life as basically all there is. We say basically because the level of evolution of spirit among humans varies greatly and the continuum is very vast. The suffering on earth is very painful in all its forms, but to give an analogy it is like ripping a band aid off a wound--it hurts for a split second, but is nothing in the totality of your human life. Even that is a poor analogy to the eternal existence that God has created. The concept of eternity is something we know your conscious mind cannot currently and fully process and accept. We do not mean at all to trivialize your experiences as human beings. In fact, we love you all very much and with all our hearts feel for the difficulties you endure living in duality. Have faith that this will not always be.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Day 14 Self-Channeled Reading
Princess is taking on your stress. She is very centered on you and your well-being. Part of her role is a protective one, but not in a physical sense. Try to stay positive and communicate with her about letting go of the stress she has absorbed, so to speak. When you have those moments when you find it difficult to get into a more positive space, have things around you to which you can immediately turn to that you know will cause you to smile or laugh. Laughter is the best way to instantly put you in a space of higher vibration. You can watch a funny Youtube video or think back to a funny memory. Remember the straight face. Picture how funny it was and how it instantly made you laugh. These things are beneficial to you.
Day 13 Self-Channeled Reading
Friday, January 18, 2008
Day 12 Self-Channeled Reading
We like your new mantra. It will serve you well. You can choose to share it or not. The decision is yours, but again there is no right or wrong choice.
As for the Reiki master class whatever you decide will be fine. We know you want to do the one in January to be with the other women, but the other class has benefits as well for you and all involved. Once you make a decision try to be at peace with it. We are always with you and here to help.
--The Legion of Angels
I asked if this was the correct name and the reply was that it is an acceptable translation for now.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Day 11 Self-Channeled Reading
Do not think that we choose to grant wishes, abilities or powers to only a select number of humans. This is not the case. Those with what you call psychic abilities are those who have allowed themselves to believe they possess them and, therefore they in fact permit themselves these abilities. You want to have them, but you must accept that you already do for them to manifest. Ask yourself what the reasons are that you deny yourself this truth. What is preventing you from accepting it? You have many magnificent abilities and you are a powerful healer. You must accept this in order to experience it.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Day 10 Self-Channeled Reading
We understand your frustration and reluctance to use the pendulum, which is fine because you do not need it. You can access the information you need intuitively. You are very strong in that area and as you begin to consciously recognize this it will also give you much confidence in many areas. Keep up the good work!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Day 9 Self-Channeled Reading
Well enough rambling. I thought it might be beneficial to someone who might stumble across my blog to know why I did not do the day 9 self-channeled reading. Onward and upward I hope!
Day 8 Self-Channeled Reading
It may also be beneficial for you to read the intentions that you wrote for yourself each day. You do not need to turn it into a big project. Put the paper somewhere that you will notice it and just read through it. Don't think you aren't doing enough. You have the daily mantra, these readings and if you add the 2 other things it is more than enough. You don't have to feel bad about not spending more of your free time on anything else right now. If you take on too much it becomes a burden and you set yourself up for feeling like you've failed. Besides, all the love and attention that you give to Jeffery and all the animals everyday is part of your spiritual life. Being spiritual is not measured by how much you meditate, pray, do yoga or any of the other activities one might consider to be spiritual endeavors. Those may be a part of your life, but so are the daily acts of love, caring and nurturing that you do so much of.
Doodle wants you to know you do enough. She reminds you that each being has chosen its life path and you to be part of it because you are what they need. You bring joy and comfort to each of them. She is proud of you and loves you and looks forward to being with you again.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Day 7 Self-Channeled Reading
An option is to make a list of all the possibilities and there are many. Begin with trying the ones that most attract you keeping in mind that no one practice is better than another just different. If what you initially try does not bring you joy and satisfaction then choose again until you find the right fit. What doesn't feel good now may feel good later. You have experienced that several times with Yoga. At some point you may enjoy it or not. There is no right or wrong. It is much gentler on your spirt to let it go and try something new than to berate yourself for what you are not doing or not doing "right". You cannot make a mistake because every step of the way is part of the journey.