Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 7 Self-Channeled Reading

If you are feeling like you need more structure spend some time setting up perimeters for accomplishing daily tasks. Structure for some may seem restrictive, but for others it is a tool that helps them follow through on goals. Therefore, do not place any negative connotations on the idea of structure or list making or whatever systems you feel will help you. Crossing items off a to do list is very satisfying. Adhering to a routine can be also as long as you are creating routines to do things you want to do free of the should or have to mentality. That is not to say that we all don't have things we need to take care of like paying bills, doing laundry etc....But if you are contemplating creating a meditation practice, but it feels like a chore to follow through--choose something else. There are many ways to accomplish your personal goals, increase your connection to source and grow spiritually. Everyone is different so it is a matter of discovering what works best for you and that it be something that brings you joy.

An option is to make a list of all the possibilities and there are many. Begin with trying the ones that most attract you keeping in mind that no one practice is better than another just different. If what you initially try does not bring you joy and satisfaction then choose again until you find the right fit. What doesn't feel good now may feel good later. You have experienced that several times with Yoga. At some point you may enjoy it or not. There is no right or wrong. It is much gentler on your spirt to let it go and try something new than to berate yourself for what you are not doing or not doing "right". You cannot make a mistake because every step of the way is part of the journey.

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