Friday, January 4, 2008

Shamanic Journey

Last week my friend Catherine and I worked on healing some past life trauma. During our work she channeled a healing technique I could perform daily and was also guided to take me on a shamanic journey. During the journey I met my Native American guide who turned out to be my father. The trauma we were there to heal was a rape I had suffered by a white settler. But what were ultimately healing was the separation it caused in our relationship. After the incident my father became distant because of his grief over not being able to protect me and his not knowing how to deal with his feelings or mine. Our once close bond had been shattered and this was the true tragedy. So, we were there together to let go of the pain and the past and reconnect through the deep love we have for each other. Through Catherine my father communicated that he loved me so and that I was his greatest joy and the greatest teacher in his life. I asked him if he could tell me my native american name and he said he could tell me what my name was in English. It translates to "she who flies with the angels". I decided to search the internet to see if I could find a translation back to a native american dialect, but with no success. I did, however come across this beautiful poem and wanted to share it with you all. To read other magnificent poems by Trey Ravencrest please click here. I hope you enjoy the poem!

She who flies with angels;
Paints the sky at dawn and dusk and
Every moment in between with
So much warmth and purity

She who guides the stars to dance
In glinting melodies, to time forsaken
Time forgotten by the wounds which
Wait to heal

She who touches hearts so lost
In distant desolation,
Aware forever of the paths ahead
And tears behind

She who whispers clarity to
Minds of misted motion still,
To thoughts of ashen tragedy
And child-impassioned hope

She who wraps her wings around
The souls that whirl in weeping, thrown
Beyond all desperation: left to sink in floods of
Creeping dreams and jaded truths of ice

She who does not break that ice
But melts it with the rays of dawn and
Dusk divined by angels held aloof
By all her love

© Trey Ravencrest--March 8, 1999

1 comment:

Catherine Richardson said...

What a gorgeous and moving poem! Thanks for sharing.