Everything that occurs in our reality is the result of a choice that we made at some point in the past. And we continue to make choices at every moment of every day. Even if we decide to do nothing, that is a choice. Until we have an awareness of how we choose, we will make the same choices in the same way. Whether we make our choices consciously or unconsciously, from habit or with deliberation, we can have different results when we follow a process.
The process of making choices starts with recognizing that we have a choice in everything, even if our options appear to be bad or difficult. Then we can ask ourselves questions that will help us pause before we choose. Have we faced this situation before? Are we reacting to a problem? Are we prepared to face the consequences of this choice? Can we see beyond the illusion of what appears to be real and find other alternatives? Is the situation challenging us to step out of our comfort zone and consider different, powerful options?
Are we going to choose from fear or from our power? Powerless choices always yield powerless results. Even if we are not feeling powerful at that moment, we can still make powerful choices by giving ourselves a chance to consider what we are doing. Even in the face of limited options, what else is possible? What is the best outcome? When we focus on the possibilities and remember that we are co-creators of our reality, we can challenge ourselves to create what appears to be impossible. And we always have the full power and force of the Universe on our side, as long as we stay out of fear and step forward in trust and faith.
That is not to say that we will always manifest joy and abundance. Sometimes we will experience difficulty and go through periods of lack. We can always choose differently, to step out of those situations and manifest something different. It doesn't matter what happened in the past, we can always choose differently in the present moment. And when we need to learn a lesson the Universe will provide us with opportunities to learn to make powerful choices that deliver abundant, self-affirming results. Creating a process for making choices reminds us that we are powerful, our options are limitless and abundance in all good things is always available.
Uriel's Message-- Discover your Truth The two energies of this planet are material and spiritual. Spiritual energy is constantly available for reconnection. The material energy, embodied in the mind and ego, believes that it must exist independently of Spirit. Spirit will always act to remind you of your divinity and power. The ego will seek to create powerlessness, chaos and fear in your life. When you look for proof of your power, it will remind you that you have no power or control. When you look for proof of your divinity, you will be reminded of your humanity. Where the mind or ego sees darkness, Spirit reminds you of the Light. Where the mind sees fear, Spirit reminds you that you have nothing to fear. Where the mind seeks chaos, Spirit reminds you that peace is always available to you. The truth of your journey, of your presence and purpose is that you have come here to reconnect to Source, to bring the spiritual and material world together. Discovering your truth allows you to say 'yes' to your gifts, your passion and the blessings of Spirit. The mind has no question that Spirit cannot answer. And the answer is very simple, seek the light, remember your power, reconnect to your divine Source and experience the unconditional love that your soul longs for. Once you know this truth it cannot be removed from you for it belongs to the eternal part of you that is your heritage. Discover your truth and allow yourself to experience the blessings that flow from integrating the mind and spirit. Do what creates joy in your life, this is where your truth lies. Use your gifts, live your purpose and share your light. This is what will create heaven on earth and peace, joy and unconditional love for all.
The truth that you know from the point of spirit, which is the Truth of your being, is that you are an emanation of Source. You are of God and therefore are like God in every way. Your purpose here is to allow the mind or ego to discover that truth so that you are reconnected to Source and become fully integrated in every aspect of your being. Your life path is the journey of discovering your truth.
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