Monday, July 28, 2008

Letting Go of Perfection

As I sat and meditated the other day I asked my higher self what it wanted me to know. Immediately I began thinking of the need to let go of wanting perfection. I thought about the many times a day that my mind had a thought about perfecting something or wanting to be better. It could be wishing I was better at writing and grammar or daydreaming about the perfect house or wishing I had a perfect body or a better one at least--many things big and small. And, it occurred to me that each time I did this, I was robbing myself of joy, the joy of being happy with who you are and where you are in your life. We so often hear about joy coming out of living in the now, being present and as I had this conversation in my mind I realized that it is true. This letting go of wanting something different or something better I thought, is a big part of what it means to live in the now. So each day I try to catch myself when I have these thoughts and bring myself to the present moment and give thanks and gratitude. It doesn't mean I don't have dreams and goals because I still do. I still think about someday living in the "perfect" house and I still want to lose some weight not only to look better and be more comfortable (physically), but to be healthier. The difference is I no longer do it at the expense of being ok and happy right now! I simply do the best I can and feel good about that.

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