Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 6 Self-Channeled Reading

Let go and let the universe support you. You try so hard, but your expectations can prevent you from recognizing the wisdom you are accessing. For example, today when searching to find the best way to help Princess, your wisdom told you massaging her would be good, but you became somewhat discouraged when you were unable to find the Bodywork for Dogs DVD. You also felt unsure if you could do it on your own. Even though you have reservations you were willing to try and to just wing it. Right away you discovered a soft fatty mass along her spine. This may very well turn out to be what is creating the conditions for her incontinence. Did it not also correspond the to area you felt discomfort in when doing the Reiki earlier? And remember how it crossed your mind that there may be knowledge there or some sort of connection? It is no coincidence that you thought to mention its location to Dr. Sondra. The earlier pain was a confirmation to the latter discovery on Princess. Finding the information about the Vermifuge was a message as well. It may not directly relate to Princess and her incontinence, but it was also no mere coincidence (there really is no such thing as coincidence as they are truly messages or signs--one only needs to recognize this truth).

So going back to Princess and the massage. You may have been guided that doing body massage was a priority, but maybe not because the massaging itself will help with the incontinence, but rather it was a means to find the lump/mass, which once addressed will lead to her healing.

Trust yourself and try to expand your paradigm of how messages come and what they might mean. Know that you received two very clear messages today that will be of benefit.

1 comment:

Catherine Richardson said...

Wow. Amazing how your intuition led you to find the lump along Princess's spine. I'm sending light your (and her) way. These channeled messages are informative and enlightening. It's such an honor to be allowed to share in your channeling process.